Sunday, July 12, 2009

A Political Junkie Must Read

All the recent talks of former Vice President Dick Cheney and his efforts to coverup an entire CIA counterterror project have reminded me of a book that I highly recommend to those interested in the counterterrorism efforts taken since 9-11. The Dark Side: The Inside Story of How The War on Terror Turned into a War on American Ideals, by the esteemed investigative journalist Jane Mayer, explores the secretive worlds of the CIA and its undercover operations just before and after 9-11. Mayer pays particular attention to the issues of torture and waterboarding, questioning the authority of the government to emply such tactics.

Well researched and quite compelling, The Dark Side features quotes from former CIA operatives and government officials. I found each piece of information presented in the book fascinating, rarely putting the book down. Mayer takes some definite risks, even providing information that indicates that 9-11 could possibly have been avoided all together. According to Mayer, the director of the CIA and a few other intelligence officials had warned former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice of an impending attack against the US prior to the 9-11 attacks, but they had been unable to convince her.

Mayer also brings to attention the fact that basic ideals that this country was founded upon have gone down the drain since the war on terror began. The CIA has crossed some definite lines. But you can be the judge. Read The Dark Side and decide how you feel. Even if you disagree, the book is an excellent and intelligent read.

So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, adieu,

1 comment:

  1. At the end of this past school year, my AP US History teacher ordered a reader called Terrorism and 9/11. It has about 10-15 essays/articles, some that dated pre 9/11 by years. It was really interesting, and I was the only one in my class that read it fully.
