Thursday, July 16, 2009

Biden Visited Richmond Today!

Vice President Joe Biden spoke in downtown Richmond today, defending President Obama's new stimulus plan. The speech was given in Eric Cantor's territory. Cantor has already expressed his views on the stimulus, which he believes will worsen the unemployment rate and hurt small business owners. Biden never mentioned Cantor by name, but he did manage to counter the House Republican Whip's statements. According to Biden, the stimulus plan will protect countless public jobs. He also announced that the stimulus has allocated $1.6 million for Richmond's police department.

Punctuating his point, Biden shared the stage with Richmond's police chief, a Richmond school teacher, and the owner of DayStars dessert.

Wish I had known about this event...would have definitely tried to go!

What critics like Cantor need to realize is that the stimulus plan is not a band-aid that is going to automatically fix the economy. It will take time. There is no easy way out. Progress will be seen in time.

And that's the way it is,

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