Saturday, July 11, 2009

And Now for a Bit of Local Politics...

After the heated gubernatorial Democratic primary that took place in Virginia this past June, one would think that the new Democratic nominee Creigh Deeds would be in full force, striving to build a campaign strong enough to go head to head with Bob McDonnell, the Republican candidate. Unfortunately, in Richmond at least, the Deeds campaign seems almost nonexistant. At the 4th of July parade in my local community, an unprecendented amount of people marched for McDonnell, passing out stickers and literature along the parade route. Where were the Deeds representatives?

I know what you're thinking. Why haven't I, the young political junkie, attempted to boost the campaign's visibility by volunteering at my local field office? That would be because every time I try to contact my local field office, I get very vague answers and little attempt on their part to get me in the office to volunteer. Come on Deeds campaign, what's going on? Since when does a campaign turn away free labor? To be honest, this has been quite frustrating. I still support Deeds as a candidate, but this is starting to get ridiculous. If you are also trying to volunteer for the Deeds campaign with little success, all I can say is keep trying. Pretty soon, they will be begging for us.

Glad we could get together,

Friday, July 10, 2009

Obama and Pope Benedict XVI

President Obama had his first in person meeting with Pope Benedict XVI in Italy this Friday. The meeting in Vatican City was Obama's last stop in his trip to Italy. The first family's next destination is Accra, Ghana. It will be President Obama's first appearance in sub-Saharan Africa since he was elected in 2008.

Obama recognized that he and Pope Benedict would not necessarily see eye to eye on everything, saying, "There are going to be some areas where we've got deep agreements; there are going to be some areas where we've got some disagreements." The Vatican lost the common ground that they had shared with the Bush administration on the issues of stem cell research and abortion, but the Vatican has also taken interest in the views of President Obama. While they may not see eye to eye on issues such as abortion and stem cell research, Pope Benedict and Obama have similar views on the war in Iraq, which the Vatican had openly opposed previous to its start under the Bush administration.

While many American Catholic activists have spoken out against Obama, this recent meeting with the Pope further shows the lack of aversion between the Vatican and Obama and his administration. An article written shortly after election day by Julia Duin of the Washington Times outlined the an analysis that proved that Catholic voters strongly favored Obama. According to Druin:
"Large numbers of Catholics and religiously unaffiliated voters heavily contributed to President-elect Barack Obama's huge margin of victory over Republican Sen. John McCain, according to an analysis of exit poll surveys by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life."
To read the entire article, visit:

Topics discussed between Obama and Pope Benedict included abortion, immigration, and foreign relations in the Middle East. The two men also discussed the role that developed countries should play in aiding developing countries.

While the meeting has been described as positive and constructive, the Pope still urged the Vatican's pro-life stance, presenting Obama with a copy of "Dignitatis Personae," a Vatican document on the subject of bioethics in terms of stem cell research and cloning. Obama accepted the gift with gratitude, promising the pope that he would read it on the way to Ghana.

Raw footage of President Obama and Pope Benedict can be seen here:
Their actual discussion was not filmed.

And so it goes,

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Obama and the G8 Summit in Italy

From Left to Right: Japanese PM Taro Aso, Canadian PM Stephen Harper, President Obama, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, Russian President Dmitri Medvedev

President Obama and his fellow G8 members met in Italy today to discuss the pressing issue of climate change. P.O.T.U.S on Sirius-XM radio broadcasted Obama's address after the summit, followed by commentary from Wall Street Journal's Stephen Power and Press Pool's Joe Mathieu. Unfortunately, I was listening to this broadcast while waiting in a parking lot and I suffered from a severe lack of a proper notebook, so I was forced to jot down my notes on an old receipt and a scrap piece of bear with me; this might not be the most organized post ever.

President Obama described the G8 Summit as a "candid and open discussion about the growing threat of climate change and what our nations must do, both individually and collectively, to address it." He went on to describe the threat of climate change as both real and dire. "Every nation on this planet is at risk. And just as no one nation is responsible for climate change, no one nation can address it alone," Obama stated, reiterating the point of the summit.

According to Obama, The G8 concluded that "by 2050, developed nations will reduce their emissions by 80 percent." Additionally, the group decided that they would help all other nations to cut global emissions in half. The leaders also agreed that global warming should not exceed an increase of two degrees Celsius. Obama and the other world leaders agree that these actions will greatly improve the state of the environment for the world. But are they doing everything they can? Stephen Power and Joe Mathieu do not seem to think so.

Stephen Powers' main concern is that all of the goals set by the recent G8 Summit are long term. Powers believes that short term goals are also necessary. The G8 members did not make goals that included concrete actions that can be taken immediately. Moreover, Powers expressed concern over the fact that the developing countries of the world were not really addressed in this summit. Developing countries such as China and India are responsible for a huge portion of global emissions. Economically, developing countries can not afford to cut back in their emissions by large percentages. Powers believes that the developed countries, such as those represented by the G8, should agree to help these developing countries in their efforts to cut emissions.

Joe Mathieu poked fun at the summit's goal to keep atmospheric temperature from exceeding two degrees Celsius. "What are we going to do, put a giant thermometer in the sky?" He asked jokingly. He is right though. While the goal is certainly measurable, it is not exactly enforceable. And how did they even come up with two degrees Celsius? Why is that the magic number?

All in all, the G8 Summit on climate change served as a progressive step towards cleaner energy and fewer carbon emissions on a position. Will this magically solve everything? Far from it. As Obama stated, "...we don't expect to solve this problem in one meeting or one summit, [but] I believe we've made some important strides forward..."

Good night and have a pleasant tomorrow,

Let the Games Begin!

As an avid blogger and a true political junkie, I am surprised that it has never crossed my mind to start an entire blog dedicated to my obsession with political related news...until now. As a true Young Political Junkie, I intend to post my analyses, commentaries, insights, and reviews on the latest news in United States politics. I also intend to occasionally deviate from this main goal and share personal stories of my experiences volunteering for campaigns and my politics-related interactions with others. I also hope to relay information on local politics right here in blue Virginia. Mayhap some world politics will slip in. I wish I had been able to start this blog during the political madness of this past year, but I suppose I'll just have to dive in now. Oh and I would be telling a lie if I said this blog was completely unbiased, mainly because ALL relayed information in the world of journalism has is unavoidable. I do try to keep and open mind, so please feel free to challenge anything I say. In fact, I encourage it. Brace yourself for my retaliation to your retaliation though.

My personal goal is to publish at least one post per day for the rest of the summer. Your personal goal should be to read at least one of my posts per day for the rest of the summer. Hey, it's only fair.

Good day and good news,