Thursday, July 9, 2009

Let the Games Begin!

As an avid blogger and a true political junkie, I am surprised that it has never crossed my mind to start an entire blog dedicated to my obsession with political related news...until now. As a true Young Political Junkie, I intend to post my analyses, commentaries, insights, and reviews on the latest news in United States politics. I also intend to occasionally deviate from this main goal and share personal stories of my experiences volunteering for campaigns and my politics-related interactions with others. I also hope to relay information on local politics right here in blue Virginia. Mayhap some world politics will slip in. I wish I had been able to start this blog during the political madness of this past year, but I suppose I'll just have to dive in now. Oh and I would be telling a lie if I said this blog was completely unbiased, mainly because ALL relayed information in the world of journalism has is unavoidable. I do try to keep and open mind, so please feel free to challenge anything I say. In fact, I encourage it. Brace yourself for my retaliation to your retaliation though.

My personal goal is to publish at least one post per day for the rest of the summer. Your personal goal should be to read at least one of my posts per day for the rest of the summer. Hey, it's only fair.

Good day and good news,

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