Saturday, July 11, 2009

And Now for a Bit of Local Politics...

After the heated gubernatorial Democratic primary that took place in Virginia this past June, one would think that the new Democratic nominee Creigh Deeds would be in full force, striving to build a campaign strong enough to go head to head with Bob McDonnell, the Republican candidate. Unfortunately, in Richmond at least, the Deeds campaign seems almost nonexistant. At the 4th of July parade in my local community, an unprecendented amount of people marched for McDonnell, passing out stickers and literature along the parade route. Where were the Deeds representatives?

I know what you're thinking. Why haven't I, the young political junkie, attempted to boost the campaign's visibility by volunteering at my local field office? That would be because every time I try to contact my local field office, I get very vague answers and little attempt on their part to get me in the office to volunteer. Come on Deeds campaign, what's going on? Since when does a campaign turn away free labor? To be honest, this has been quite frustrating. I still support Deeds as a candidate, but this is starting to get ridiculous. If you are also trying to volunteer for the Deeds campaign with little success, all I can say is keep trying. Pretty soon, they will be begging for us.

Glad we could get together,

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