Thursday, July 16, 2009

You know you volunteered or worked for a political campaign if...

• Indy is not a form of music
• No one looks at you funny when you sleep at the office
• A perfect boyfriend/girlfriend is someone who can actually put up with your work hours
• You know that perfect person doesn’t exist
• You work insane hours for little money
• And you love it
• Your friends visit your office to make sure you’re still alive
• Therapy is something you wish you could get for free after the election
• Your track record, has nothing to do with sports
• Your best friend’s name is Blackberry
• You have thrown your best friend once or twice
• You have played some kind of sport in your office at least once (i.e. baseball, kickball, football, basketball, etc.)
• A reporter or your candidate has walked in on it at least once
• You have come to work when you look like you’re about to keel over and die
• And you did it by choice
• Your car doubles as a closet during campaign season because frankly, you’re not quite sure when you’ll get home
• You have gone 48 hours plus without sleep
• You live off of coffee and cigarettes
• Your desk kind of reminds you of the movie Twister, well after the tornado hit
• You watch either 24 or the West Wing compulsively
• When your power goes out or your telephone is disconnected you immediately blame it on the Democrats, or Republicans
• You have encountered at least 3 volunteers whom you are sure escaped from a Mental Institution
• All your friends say how “professional and cute” you look while you’re running around on your blackberry trying to prevent Armageddon

I did not write these myself, I just thought this was entertaining...and oh so true.
To see the complete list, visit the facebook group:

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