Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The WaPo Makes an Interesting Move...

Yes, for those of you who have not heard yet, the Washington Post published an article in yesterday's paper written by Alaska's very own Sarah Palin. The article, The 'Cap And Tax' Dead End, was featured in the op-ed section and served mainly as a rant against Obama's energy plan. She was not shy with her accusations and finger pointing either, even stating, "Soon, even the most ardent liberal will understand supply-side economics."

In 694 words, Sarah Palin managed to criticize Obama's plan but somehow did not manage to include any facts, proof, or logic reasoning.
"We have an important choice to make. Do we want to control our energy supply and its environmental impact? Or, do we want to outsource it to China, Russia and Saudi Arabia? Make no mistake: President Obama's plan will result in the latter."
The reasoning? There isn't any in her article. I guess it's just true because she says so.

To top it all off, the Washington Post included a one line bio typical of op-ed articles posted at the end of the column:
The writer, a Republican, is governor of Alaska.

Well...they got one out of three right.

To read the full article, visit:

Until we meet again,

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